Read Our Reviews For Top Rated Dealer In Knoxville, TN

Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
Aug 17, 2023
great service
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
May 15, 2023
Best car buying experience I have ever had at a dealership. Super nice staff and they are laid back and not pushy at all. Very impressed with the whole experience and I love my car!
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
Sep 12, 2022
I recently come in and bought a 2011 Ford Mustang and the whole process was real easy. It was actually my first time ever even going to a car lot and it was perfect. They let me check the car out and test drive it without pressuring me at all. Anybody that says they dread going car shopping needs to go here real easy and fast. Thank you !!
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
May 6, 2022
Had a very wonderful experience looking for and purchasing a new vehicle at Knox Drives. Everyone was super helpful and answered any questions I had.
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
Apr 16, 2022
Patrick was such a nice salesman. He wasn’t pushy about anything and very easy to work with. He was very helpful. The other staff there were nice as well. Overall experience 10/10!!!
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
Mar 27, 2022
Patrick at Knox Drives helped us with the purchase of a Chevy Silverado. No pressure sales. Very easy to talk with. Fair price. I would recommend anyone needing a used vehicle, check out Knox Drives.
Knox Drives INC Knox Drives INC
865-240-3569 $$$
6 Testimonials
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